Knox SOW

Knox Street Orienteering Walkers

Add the Knox SOW website icon to your phone's Home Screen and also have easy access to the Start/Finish Locations using Adobe Reader.  Click here to find out how.
Download the Sun Smart app to find out the UV Index.  Always wear sun protection if it is above 3.
Use the Snap Send Solve app to notify the local council of any issues whilst walking.
Melbourne Low Carb Clinic Healthy lifestyle information.
Healthy Food Guide  Healthy Food Guide.
Junk Food
Don't eat foods on this list !

Good Fats vs Bad Fats Good Fat vs Bad Fat
The oils listed in the Bad Fat column are also known as
Vegetable Oils or Seed Oils.  They are toxic.
Warning:  Fast food restaurants use these toxic oils in their fryers.
The Great Cholesterol Myth An explanation of why you should forget about cholesterol.
Lifespan: Why We Age – and Why We Don’t Have To



Street Orienteering is Fun